Sunday, February 12, 2012

PIG Camp

The Three Red Headed Step Childs of PIG

Gantry & Twin Otter

Superfund Site

Aaron Barbee, carpenter

Alex, Physician's Asst.

Beth Beazely, GA, from Madrid, NM where she works as a ICU nurse.

Carp blanket party

Carps at the helo gantry for the helicopters which never arrived.

Jumpin' for joyCharles Kirkland (CK3), PIG Camp Mgr.

Doug Montgomery

Carp group photo at the gantry


Jake, drill camp cook, waiting for the C-130

Jarret & Kim, mechanics

Joel the cook in the put in/take out polar haven galley

Katie Koster, weather

Kim, mechanicMatt Nolte, UT (utility technician)

Nickie Gerome, Cleveland, Ohio

Matt Nolte & Dave (Mombok) Story

Robyn And Kdub (Kevin Williams)Ricky Romero

The little kite that couldn't

"Saturn Devouring his Son

Tent City